Posts by Category

CTF Writeups

HackTheBox: Fuse - OSCP Prep

4 minute read

This is a ‘medium’ rated HTB Windows challenge featuring an interesting PE technqiue, Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD).

HackTheBox: Forest - OSCP Prep

7 minute read

This is a ‘easy’ rated HTB AD challenge in which we will be enumerating and attacking purely the DC. My offensive AD knowledge isn’t great so I apologise for...

HackTheBox: Knife - OSCP Prep

2 minute read

This was a ‘easy’ rated Linux HTB machine with an interesting CVE initial access vector combined with a simple privilege escalation technique. Let’s begin.

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Defence Evasion

Cloaked in Pixels: Evasion update

6 minute read

Around this time last year I released a blog post which covered an analysis of a PoC steganographic shellcode encoder and runner, which I wrote in Python. Th...

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Malware Analysis

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